NewsSign up to our newsletterVaradero in Utrecht: the experience and my invitation to take on a new challenge together 17/09/2024 Exploring Europe: Reflections on the GlobalGoals2024 Summer School and Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands! 17/09/2024 Thoughts on GlobalGoals 2024 through Panel science & knowledge IV: ‘Just Knowledge Production and Governance’ 17/09/2024 Conference Statement 05/04/2024 Institutionalization of the Sustainable Development Goals 07/02/2024 Legalization of Sustainable Development Goals 07/02/2024 Looking at the SDGs through a futures thinking lens 07/02/2024 Incorporating pluriversal worldviews in sustainability governance 06/02/2024 Differentiation and Dynamization 06/02/2024 Greening labour? Trade unions, integrated sustainability and the SDGs 31/01/2023 Balancing or prioritising for sustainable development? Global goals and perceptions of sustainability integration among professionals 31/01/2023 Can the SDGs green international organisations? Sustainability integration in the International Labour Organisation 31/01/2023 How the World Bank engages with the SDGs on reducing inequalities 23/01/2023 The institutionalization of sustainable consumption and production: The role of SDG 12 23/01/2023 Involving stakeholders in achieving the SDGs: A survey into integrated sustainability and geographical regions 22/11/2022 The SDGs are strengthening organizational silos 03/10/2022 Register now to the next GlobalGoals Webinar 24/09/2021 Opinion piece: Calling for a ‘rainbow recovery’ in the Netherlands 06/07/2021 Registration open: Second episode of the GLOBALGOALS Webinar Series 14/06/2021 Sign up now: First episode of the GLOBALGOALS Webinar Series 11/05/2021 WEBINAR: ACHIEVING THE SDGS IN TIMES OF COVID-19 09/04/2021 SDG adoption and issue integration in international organizations 15/02/2021 Key Insights from our Panel Discussion ‘The transformative potential of the SDGs in the Netherlands’ 08/02/2021 Online Panel Discussion: Sign up now! 08/01/2021 Global goals as a governance mechanism – a podcast with Sir Richard Jolly 27/10/2020 Research shows national governments cherry picking SDGs 17/06/2020 Nikki Theeuwes publishes IISD SDG Knowledge Hub blog on policy coherence & the SDGs in India 22/04/2020 Interview with Marjanneke Vijge on Utrecht University website 21/01/2020 How does migration fit into the Sustainable Development Goals? 04/12/2019 International SDG Research Symposium: Call for papers now open! 31/10/2019 Leaving nobody behind? The Least Developed Countries in global sustainability governance 02/10/2019 The influence of SDGs on the global network of intergovernmental organizations 25/09/2019 UN Regional Commissions as orchestrators for sustainable development 24/09/2019 International organisations as ‘custodians’ of the SDGs 24/09/2019 In whose name? Global civil society and the representation of the “Bottom Billion” 24/09/2019 The great amnesia: The marginalization of Least Developed Countries in global change science 24/09/2019 The Least Developed Countries in the Anthropocene: From structural vulnerabilities to planetary injustices 24/09/2019 Does SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities signify a new global norm? 17/09/2019 Prioritisation of SDGs: National trends, international assistance, and global governance implications 17/09/2019 What were success factors of the Millennium Development Goals? 17/09/2019 Mapping integration and coherence in SDG implementation by the United Nations System 13/09/2019 Two new post-docs join the team 11/07/2019 Migration and the Sustainable Development Goals 01/07/2019