Michael Davies-Venn
Michael Davies-Venn
Research Fellow and Science Communication Advisor

Michael Davies-Venn is a public policy analyst and communication expert. He works on global environmental governance with focus on climate mitigation and climate adaptation measures between developing and developed regions. He is Junior Fellow at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

Jano Richter
Jano Richter
BSc candidate

Jano is studying political science and economics at University College Utrecht. His research focuses on the role and impact of Major Groups and other Stakeholders and NGOs in the global governance of the SDGs, specifically the High-level political forum adding to the understanding of UN-NGO interaction.

Michele Joie Prawiromaruto

Michele is studying for the MSc degree in Sustainable Development at Utrecht University. Her master’s thesis focuses on comparing SDG policies between the European Union (EU) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states. Using a mixed-methods approach, she examines the convergence or divergence of SDG policies in these regions, aiming to provide insights into regional and global progress…

Yuxi Luo
Yuxi Luo
Msc candidate

Yuxi Luo is a master student majoring in Sustainable Development (Track: Earth System Governance) at Utrecht University. Within the Global Goals project, she is focusing on the impact of SDGs, especially SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), on United Nations environment programme.

Po-Hsun Lu
Po-Hsun Lu
Msc candidate

Po-Hsun is studying for the MSc degree in Sustainable Development at Utrecht University. He conducts his master’s thesis under the supervision of Prof. Frank Biermann and Dr. Mara Wendebourg. His master’s thesis examines the political impact of the SDGs on the government of Taiwan, a unique case in which Taiwan is a non-member state of the United Nations, and the…

Dr. Sander Chan
Dr. Sander Chan
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Sander Chan, PhD, is assistant professor at Radboud University’s Nijmegen School of Management, at the Department of Geography Planning and Environment. He is also associated researcher at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS). He conducts research on the role of nonstate actors and transnational cooperation in climate change governance, and is an advocate for global governance towards a…

Dr. Åsa Persson
Dr. Åsa Persson
Stockholm Environment Institute

Åsa Persson is Research Director and Deputy Director at SEI. Dr. Persson is a social scientist and expert on climate and sustainable development governance. She is Adjunct Associate Professor (Docent) at the Department for Thematic Studies, Environmental Change, Linköping University.

Dr. Yixian Sun
Dr. Yixian Sun
University of Bath

Yixian Sun is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in International Development at the University of Bath. He holds a Ph.D. and Master’s degree in International Relations / Political Science, from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva, and was Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University. Further, Yixian is an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) at…

Blake Harvey
Blake Harvey
MSc Student Assistant

Blake Harvey is a first-year MSc Sustainable Development student studying Earth System Governance at Utrecht University. She holds a BA in Environmental Studies from Boston College where she studied environmental policy and climate justice. Blake is currently the student assistant for the GLOBALGOALS Project where she focuses on project management and public outreach to support the launch of the SDG Impact…

Detlef van Vuuren
Detlef van Vuuren
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Netherlands

Detlef van Vuuren is a senior researcher at PBL Netherlands Environmental Agency, The Netherlands, and professor of Integrated Assessment of Global Environmental Change at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University, The Netherlands