Panel Discussion

The Transformative Potential of the SDGs - The case of The Netherlands

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals were adopted in 2015 to ‘inspire multiple levels of government and those governing in general to embark on the transformation to sustainable development’.  

Now, five years onwards, a first retrospective can be taken to assess the steering effects of the goals: are the SDGs indeed facilitating a transition towards a more just and sustainable society? 


JANUARY 19, 2021

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Joukje Janssen (PwC Netherlands)
Sandra Pellegrom (Dutch SDG Coordinator)
Johan Schot (Utrecht University)
Thyzra Zoons (Dutch Youth Council)

In this panel discussion, we zoom in on the home base of the GLOBALGOALS research project: the Netherlands.
Key actors working on the SDGs from government, business and youth movements join us to reflect on the SDGs.

Have the SDGs ‘transformed’ Dutch approaches to policy-making, doing business and development?
Are key actors using them as a frame of reference, or are we mainly seeing ‘SDG washing’?
Are we on track to meet the goals,
and what role can they play to ‘build back better’ after the global pandemic?  

We invite policymakers, researchers, and all those working with and on the SDGs to join the discussion!

The panel will be moderated by Maya Bogers and Melanie van Driel, PhD candidates from the GLOBALGOALS team.  

Key Insights of the Panel Discussion

Rewatch the panel discussion or read the key insights here.