Policy Events
The GLOBALGOALS Project hosted a variety of events alongside larger conferences, summits, and forums related to the SDGs and in connection to the development of policy surrounding the goals at both the international and national level. Some of these key GLOBALGOALS policy events are summarized on this page and can be watched in full below.
Side Event: UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development 2023
An official side event to the 2023 UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, this panel examines the potential for multi-level acceleration for the SDGs ahead of the 2023 SDG Summit in September. At the halfway point of the SDGs, it is clear that efforts need to be stepped up to realize the ambition of the 2030 Agenda. Global, regional, national and local actors all must work together for this purpose. Panelists discuss the potential for acceleration from multiple levels of governance and from a diverse range of actors, including municipalities, partnerships, Member States, the Regional Commissions and other International Organizations.
Side Event: High Level Political Forum 2022
The session, Side Event to the 2022 United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, took stock of the core findings of the SDG Impact Assessment and concluded with a high-level discussion on how the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development can move beyond political discourse. Experts discussed how to galvanize solutions in all societal sectors that lead to fundamental and transformational change. The knowledge obtained during this side-event will serve as valuable input for the 2023 midterm review of the SDGs.
Panel Discussion 2021
"The Transformative Potential of the SDGs - The case of The Netherlands" - In this panel discussion, we zoom in on the home base of the GLOBALGOALS research project: the Netherlands. Have the SDGs ‘transformed’ Dutch approaches to policy-making, doing business and development? Are key actors using them as a frame of reference, or are we mainly seeing ‘SDG washing’? Are we on track to meet the goals, and what role can they play to ‘build back better’ after the global pandemic? Key actors working on the SDGs from government, business and youth movements join us to reflect on the SDGs.