Utrecht Summer School


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide us with a shared vision of “what” we want for the future. However, “how” will we reach this vision? How can we improve global sustainability governance to deliver the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs? How can we be better prepared for future challenges? How should we go beyond the 2030 Agenda and what future reforms are necessary?

These are questions we aim to reflect upon during the Utrecht Summer School on “The Future of Sustainability Governance”. The Summer School will take place on 26-30 August in Utrecht, the Netherlands. In the first three days, the Summer School will offer a combination of lectures, workshops and practical experience. On August 29 and 30, participants will take part in the GlobalGoals2024 conference on the “Future of the SDGs”.


The Utrecht Summer School, organized by the GlobalGoals Project based at Utrecht University, brings together a team of scholars dedicated to research, teaching and action in sustainability governance. It offers academic lectures, practical research skills and experiences with local SDG implementation, building expertise on the state of play of the current sustainable development discussions.

It provides an environment conducive to knowledge sharing on challenging issues in global sustainability governance. In addition to being a learning space, it is an opportunity for network building in the context of the GlobalGoals2024 conference. Further, it enables participants to advance in their academic skills, including writing, presenting, reviewing, and publishing.

Summer School participants will jointly prepare research contributions and provide recommendations for the future of sustainability governance, during “futures thinking” sessions. Also, before the start of the Summer School, participants are invited to collaborate in the process of cocreating the GlobalGoals2024 Conference Statement, which will be agreed during the conference and widely published afterwards, pointing the way towards reforms that governments and other actors might take during the UN Summit of the Future and policy processes in the following years.


The Summer School welcomes early career researchers, including master students, junior researchers, doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers who have an interest in the implementation of SDGs locally, regionally or globally; as well as sustainability governance more broadly. A total of 20 applications will be accepted. Participants are encouraged to send their abstracts to present at the conference; however, participation in the Summer School does not guarantee that the abstract for the conference will be accepted.


The course fee is 250 euros. This fee includes coffee breaks and lunches as well as participation in the GlobalGoals2024 conference, including the conference dinner. Travel and accommodation are not covered by the fee and need to be arranged by participants. In special cases, fee waivers will be considered, as further detailed below.


To apply, please send an e-mail to globalgoals2024@uu.nl with following information and “Summer School Application” in the subject line:

  • a motivation paragraph (max. 200 words)
  • your short CV (max. 2 pages)
  • an abstract of a paper (max. 300 words) that you would like to work on during the Summer School’s writeshops.

In case you need a fee waiver, please include an extra paragraph in your motivation to support your request.

Download the Call for Applications in PDF:

The deadline for application is 26 April. Participants will be notified of acceptance early May.


Each participant is expected to bring a piece of written work to further develop during the Summer School. This could be a paper, thesis chapter or research proposal. Participants will develop their work during writeshops.


Dr. Guilherme de Queiroz Stein

Postdoctoral Reseacher

Dr. Mara Wendebourg

Postdoctoral Reseacher

Dr. Fronika de Wit

Postdoctoral Reseacher